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Chamunorwa Mashoko

University of Zimbabwe-University of San Francisco Research Programme (UZ-UCSF) - 2012 Fellow

Chamu monitors PEPFAR via the Community-Led Monitoring program. He also works on music with a band called Gwevedzi. His involvement in research dates back to 2002, when he joined the University of Zimbabwe-University of California San Francisco Research Collaboration as a community outreach worker. In 2007, working as a counselor in the HPTN 046 nevirapine study, he was reminded of women’s central role in HIV/AIDS, and was compelled to support these women. He joined the Microbicides Trials Network’s VOICE study team to help champion the development of a woman-controlled prevention method. Chamu recorded a song, "For You I Will”, advocating for combination prevention, particularly testing and voluntary medical male circumcision.

Fellowship Focus
Chamu initiated a strong combination prevention advocacy platform. He launched Zimbabwe’s HIV/AIDS Coalition, helped to draft the National Combination HIV Prevention Strategy and participated in the PEPFAR country operating plan, which resulted in an additional $39 million and more meaningful involvement of civil society in the PEPFAR process.

In Their Own Words
I challenged the National AIDS Council on accountability and transparency. The impact is so huge that NAC is now sharing information with the public. However, there is still a lot of advocacy that needs to be done.

Where Are They Now?
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