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Improve Research Conduct

AVAC puts stakeholder engagement in research into practice.

AVAC is committed to the principle that the perspectives of affected communities belong at the center of research and implementation. In practice, this means bringing together researchers, trial-site staff, civil society groups, people living with HIV, policy makers and many others for constructive, informed dialogue.

We’re making research better through key programs:

Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Guidelines
The GPP guidelines on biomedical HIV prevention research lay the foundation for all this work. The guidelines propose standards and practices for engaging stakeholders in each step of the research process.

Coalition to Accelerate & Support Prevention Research (CASPR)
CASPR, designed by AVAC in collaboration with key partners and supported by USAID, is a set of partnerships and activities supporting the development & sustainability of an Africa-centered network to accelerate biomedical HIV prevention research, toward the goal of HIV epidemic control.

Civil society consultations on research
We prepare civil society to frame concerns and get answers to questions about upcoming trials.

We bring program focused on a community perspective to prominent scientific conferences such as CROI and HIV R4P.

We conduct global webinars to advance an informed dialogue about landmark trials and hot button issues in the field.

The Vaccine Advocacy Resource Group (VARG)
AVAC supports the work of this global team of HIV prevention research advocates who champion evidenced-based, ethical biomedical solutions to end the epidemic.

What’s Hot in Improving Research Conduct