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Elizabeth Atieno Onyango

Coast Sex Workers Alliance (COSWA-Kenya)

Elizabeth is a feminist and human rights defender from Mombasa where she worked as the Health Promotion Officer for COSWA-KENYA. She advocates for the inclusion of female sex workers in every space where decisions are being made, with a special focus on rights for the marginalized. She is a decorated sexual and reproductive health rights advocate, trained by Akina Mama Wa Afrika and has implemented several local sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) programs for sex workers. She participated in the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW-Global) Young Advocates Task Force to formulate the #NowWeKnowCampaign, an online Campaign that aims to eradicate obstetric violence against women living with HIV.

In Their Own Words
I want to work with various policy makers to influence the integration of HIV and sexual and reproductive health services specifically for female drug users in Kenya. I would like to enhance their access to quality health services and build their participation in advocacy for policy change to mitigate the impacts of criminalization of drug use on the general health of drug users. Criminalization of drug users is amongst the main contributing factors inhibiting them to seek services like HIV care and treatment and SRH services.



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