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Onward Chironda


Onward is a religious leader and an advocate for gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights for individuals whoa are most often marginalised. He works with youth- led and youth-serving organisations and religious institutions to improve access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and HIV services such as HIV testing and counselling and access to prevention options such as PrEP for key populations. He helps monitor health service providers and pushes the Ministry of Health and the National AIDS Council to expand access to services.

In Their Own Words
I believe in the need to provide effective HIV prevention for key populations. While we talk about closing the tap of new infections, we cannot ignore the leaks. And we must hold our governments accountable and push for stronger health systems to have policies and programs that leave no one behind.



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If you have any questions about the Fellows Program, or would like to reach out to a Fellow (current or alumni), e-mail us at