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Good Participatory Practice Tools

Users may feel free to adapt and modify all tools provided, based on specific needs. In case of adaptation or development of new tools to be added to the portal, please contact us at AVAC is also happy to provide technical support for tool use.

We very much look forward to feedback and will continually add new and adapted tools to this portal.

Training Tools
The GPP training tools can be used by anyone who wishes to conduct a training or to provide an overview of the GPP guidelines to a secondary audience. Users of training tools will most likely be research site staff members or HIV prevention research advocates.

Click for the full set of tools.

Implementation Tools
The GPP implementation tools are meant primarily for groups and individuals who are responsible for ensuring that GPP is followed at various levels. GPP defines these groups as research entities—trial implementers/research sites, trial sponsors, and funders. They may also be used by external stakeholders who wish to engage with researchers.

Implementation tools focus primarily on activities at the trial site level, but may also be used by sponsors for GPP activities at a global level. Tools include checklists, templates, methodologies, and program outlines for implementation and maintenance of consistent documentation.

Click for the full set of tools.

Monitoring and Evaluation Tools
The monitoring and evaluation tools consist of a set of data collection tools for community and stakeholder engagement activities. An online database has been developed for easy use of these tools as well as generation of activity reports. The tools are meant for use by individuals responsible for conducting GPP activities, and they are generic to clinical trials across diseases and research areas.

The tools and database are openly accessible at Database users simply need to create an account under the Login section. If there are any questions, or you would like support to use the toolkit, please contact AVAC at